
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Week 9:Gardener 's multiple intelligences &Technology

 If the child is not learning the way you are teaching, then you must teach in the way the child learns.       (Rita Dunn)

This week had its unique topic  'Learning Styles and Technology'. According to Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences, we all have unique preferences and we exhibit a consistent way of perceiving, interacting with and responding to the stimuli in the context of learning. Therefore, it is one of the most important tasks for teachers to find the appropriate ways to incorporate the MI into the curricula in order to address different learning styles of their students. Technology proved to be a valuable and powerful tool for that. Technologies should be chosen to support a diverse student population and their unique learning styles. It is inappropriate for teachers to assume that all students can learn in the same way and can be force-fitted to one method of delivery.
This week also witnessed our final project completion. Using my partner's comments, observations from reading peer reports, and my own knowledge, I did my best to improve my draft and write the final version of my project plan. Then I finally submitted my final project plan on the class wiki. I hope I did well.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Week 8: Jeff's ANVILL

" If your actions inspires others to dream more. Learn more, do more      and become more, you are a leader."____John Qincy Adams.

 First, I'd like to welcome Jiff , our new comer this week, who   has   added  new colors to this course by his  speech-based course authoring tool " ANVILL". It  has  many tools . It is all in one. ANVILL allows teachers to create and organize their courses and receive assignments back from their students. It has been designed specifically for language instructors and their students. ANVILL has  many useful tools teacher can make use of them like Voiceboards, Live Chat, and Quizzes and Surveys. The  tool I like best is TCast, which allows teachers to record and place audio or video files anywhere in a lesson in three easy steps.
To create a class site or make online exercises was the first task of the eighth week. I've already created a Nicenet class, a wiki and a website using Google sites.
This week I surf  lots of web pages our dear instructors provided us to create our own exercises and tests. Hot Potatoes is one of the fastest and the easiest tool to create interactive exercises. With 'Hotpotato' many exercises can be designed in the form of crossword puzzle with pictures , multiple choice , drag and drop , and sentence match . All this exercises which greatly enhances students autonomy can be online or off line . I intend to make a group of various exercises on " Hotpotato ' and use 'Masher' application to gather them all. It is free software you can download from the website :
Another tool for creating posters and worksheet you can find here:

This FREE tool allows educators to create a lesson, worksheet, or class page and immediately publish it online. Teachers can also set up classes and assign projects to students. Students complete the assignments by creating their own online projects or reports. Teachers and students can even add images and links to their pages. 
It is actually  a fruitful week . What great online tools we have learnt about this week!