
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week 6 : PowerPoint &Large Classes

This week  through exploring the additional readings and the websites suggested by our instructor, I have been navigating  many techniques and approaches of how to engage students in large classes and how to enhance lecture classes and promote student engagement and learning. To do that, the writer mentioned various factors including: Variety, Interest, individualization and collaboration.  Actually they are very useful techniques  for teachers. They are also so varied that the teacher can select the suitable one for his students  of different learning styles and contexts.
As for the other topic, I have created and design a lot of PowerPoint presentations before but this time has a unique taste. I have learnt that PowerPoint presentations can be used for education in three general formats: 1-Teacher to Audience 2- Teacher to Individual 3-Student To Audience. I have also learnt some design considerations to be always  put into considerations . In addition to the previous things, I have learnt new approaches of  how to use it in the classroom. I have  created and designed  my  interactive PowerPoint presentation. It is a workshop about "Using The Internet Resources for Teaching & Learning". Next time  on creating PowerPoint presentation I'll put in mind  some guidelines of what I have learnt through reading the articles and the web pages recommended by our instructors. In fact it is  a busy but fruitful week with so many materials and so many activities.

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